Knud and Anna Thompson deeded ten acres of land in 1882 to the Greenwood Cemetery Association for a cemetery site. Located southwest of Brookings, SD in the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 34 in Brookings Township.
Between 1882 and about 1970 several more acres of land, in about six different transactions, we acquired. Now the present Greenwood Cemetery consists of about twenty acres. It is well maintained by the Greenwood Cemetery Association.
Many of the earliest burials recorded were babies and children. Family names of these early burials were Allison, Brink, Buehre, Cook, Culbertson, Devitt, Gaylord, Gatchell, Getty, Hughson, Hall, Jagerson, Lewis, Lloyd, Madden, Minier, McMurphy, Pierce, Walker and Wright.
Greenwood Cemetery
Founded in 1882, Greenwood Cemetery is located southwest of Brookings, SD on West 8th Street South. Greenwood Cemetery is a non-denominational cemetery located on the grassy, rolling hills of eastern South Dakota. As described by the name, Greenwood Cemetery is populated with mature evergreen and deciduous trees creating a peaceful, shady environment.
Greenwood Cemetery Association
Greenwood Cemetery Association is a private non-profit corporation. The Association is managed by a Board of Directors elected by the Membership, which is composed of the owners of lots or spaces. The revenues for the maintenance of Greenwood Cemetery are derived from the sale of lots, burial fees and donations. Each lot or space is sold with perpetual care. A Perpetual Care Fund has been established from a portion of these revenues.

Since the beginning of Greenwood Cemetery, several thousand burials have taken place and many more are added each year. As the number of burials increases the consideration of safety, order, neatness and beauty grows as well.
We know that you will agree that the living beauty of nature is the finest tribute we can pay to our loved ones. In order to keep Greenwood Cemetery beautiful and in good taste, we respectfully request and expect your compliance with the Rules and Regulations established by the Greenwood Cemetery Association.
We want Greenwood Cemetery to be pleasing to members and to the community and believe the reputation of the cemetery shows that these rules provide the basis for a beautiful and comforting place. Without uniform regulations, which are established for the good of all, it would be impossible to maintain this beautiful cemetery.
Greenwood Cemetery Association
Association Board of Directors
Tom Becker – President
Joel Hefling – Secretary
Shar Quam – Treasurer
James Honomichl – Vice President
Peg Pederson
Doris Hornby
Rich Howard
Please consider making a gift to support Greenwood Cemetery.